I wish Mumbai blasts, the last in India!
I wish Mumbai blasts, the last in India! Nayan Jani Political Vacuum: However the swift measures has been taken post Mumbai blast by the government is too late & yet half. And the taken procedures are right in a way although that may be a part of the strategic planning that done in the year 1971 for the neighbouring country. De facto, entire the existing political fraternities pushed down in the dumps & tuned stunned, just depressed, ‘if not we then a uniform will rule India?’ like statements made public! This shows a political vacuum in the India where, politicians-in- general are of no caliber, moral, character & of no accountability! Since 1966, they have learned just two lessons from the charismatic mother of corruption India, 1: how to fool people & reached out to power, & 2: be corrupt, made corrupt all. Developed entire systems that compel every bureaucrat to go only corrupt way else...Well developed public servants especially at...