PGI releases 2019 PJBR

From Maharaja’s to Millennials: Timeless Platinum Continues to Sit atop Platinum’s natural white lustre and legendary grip on the world’s most precious gems has ensured its position as the precious metal of choice for fine jewellery from the moment King Louis XVI of France declared it “the only metal fit for kings”. These timeless qualities, together with the allure of a metal that is thirty times rarer than gold, continue to drive aspiration for the precious metal perceived by today’s jewellery customers as the highest value metal for jewellery. Recently Platinum Guild International (PGI) releases the2019 Platinum Jewellery Business Review (PJBR) revealing the aspiration for platinum among today’s consumers, and the jewellery industry’s efforts to satisfy consumers’ timeless quest for jewellery that captures the most meaningful moments, with a particular focus on men’s jewellery, young consumers and self-purchase. The annual Platinum Jewellery Business Review sur...