Slumber Gold Permitted to drill!

NV Gold Receives to carry Phase II Drill Program NV Gold Corporation received all necessary drill approvals for its 2020 reverse circulation drill campaign at its 100% controlled Slumber Gold Project located approximately 50 miles northwest of Winnemucca, Humboldt County, Nevada, USA. NV Gold’s 2020 drill program, anticipated to commence in early November, will encompass up to 2,500 meters in up to 10 reverse circulation drill holes. “Targets generated at Slumber by recent CSAMT geophysical surveys are exceptional. Our technical team, which includes Dr. Quinton Hennigh and Dr. Odin Christensen, believes the Slumber Gold Project may potentially host a buried high grade gold system at depth beneath shallowly drilled areas tested last year,” commented Peter A. Ball, President and CEO of NV Gold. “In addition to planned drilling at Slumber, NV Gold’s Sandy Gold Project drill campaign is now underway in western Nevada, and work at the Exodus Gold Project in British Columbia c...