BDB plans Joint Diamond Trading Events

GJEPC announces 3rd IDW BSM in Mumbai Lin Qiang will be the Guest of Honour at the 2019 Bharat Diamond Week! The Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB) in Mumbai has welcomed the announcement from the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) that it will be holding a specially organised Buyer-Seller meeting at around the same time as the third edition of the Bharat Diamond Week (BDW) which takes place at the bourse from 14 to16 October. The GJEPC will be holding its 3rd India Diamond Week Buyer-Seller Meet in Mumbai from October 15-17. "I am delighted that the GJEPC event will be taking during the time of the Bharat Diamond Week," said Bharat Diamond Bourse Vice-President Mehul Shah, who heads the BDW. "It is critical for the Indian diamond industry that we have these two special events taking place. The fact that they are taking place at more or less the same time creates a great deal of excitement and many business opportunities. We are del...