Protecting the Natural Diamond Market

AWDC Café announces webinar on 11 September The Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) announces the next (virtual) AWDC Café, featuring Diamond Standard (DS). The well announced online webinar’s – by Zoom invitation; topic is protecting the Natural Diamond (ND) Market from Lab-Grown Disruption is to be held on 11 September 2024. During this session, The Diamond Standard team will cover, Diamond ETP buying $1 Billion, essentially establishing natural diamonds as Investment Grade assets to secure their place in the market. In the row the Diamond Standard team share their message. The DS Team said, “Unless we take action, lab grown diamonds will permanently destroy the natural diamond market and your business. We must urgently answer the question. Why should I pay more for a natural diamond when a lab grown diamond is indistinguishable?” The DS Team added, I propose this answer: “Only natural diamonds are Investment Grade.” Investors consistently ...