1570 carats earns $9.6mn for Alrosa

By end of 2019, Alrosa to hold Five more auctions in Israel Alrosa, the largest diamond mining company in the world, held the first auction this year for special size (over 10.8 carats) rough diamonds. The auction took place in Israel. The company sold 92 large rough diamonds with the total weight of 1,570 carats. The overall revenue from sales amounted to $9.6 million. Firms from Israel, Russia, Hong Kong, Belgium, India, the United Arab Emirates and the United States participated in the auction. “The auction in Israel is the first in our schedule, and we are satisfied with its results. Until the end of the year, we will hold five more auctions here. We also continue to analyze the situation in the global diamond market and see some difficulties with demand. However, in the next two months we expect it to recover,” Evgeny Agureev, Member of the Management Board, Director of the United Sales Organization at Alrosa, said. In 2018, Alrosa held six auctions for s...