Alrosa use competitive sales methods!

Sells 64% of total fancy colored rough lots Also sold 247 lots of special size diamond Alrosa in November successfully held competitive rough diamond sales in its foreign offices. Apart from two special size (over 10.8 carats) rough diamond auctions, the company held the international road show and competitive sales of fancy colored rough. Alrosa sells large and fancy colored diamonds using competitive sales methods, such as auctions and collection of competitive bids. In November 2020 the company held auctions for diamonds larger than 10.8 carats at its offices in Israel and Dubai. Apart from these, in Israel and Belgium the company collected competitive bids for fancy colored rough. 64 percent of 130 lots weighing 8,200 carats were successfully sold. At the special size diamond auction in Israel Alrosa sold 112 lots weighing 1,850 carats for a total of $9.8 million. At the auction in Dubai, 135 lots weighing 2,088 carats were realized for $14.5 million. ‘Our...