Tango inks services to Angola

Services Agreement for Mining and Marketing Tango Mining Limited announces that it has signed a Services Agreement for Mining and Marketing of Diamonds with Cooperativa Mineira Do Moquita, SCRL on a 147 square kilometer portion of a concession located 50 km north of Lucapa within the Lauchimo River basin, Province of Lunda Norte, Republic of Angola. Tango is responsible for capital expenditures associated with alluvial diamond mine design and equipment acquisition as well as enhancing production. As remuneration, Tango will receive 60% of the proceeds from the sale of produced diamonds. The Moquita Property, is located approximately 50 km downstream from the high diamond value Camútuè kimberlites. These, and possibly other kimberlites, have fed extensive downstream alluvial diamond deposits along ancient, north trending river systems including the Lauchimo River, which flows south to north across the Property. Such alluvial diamond deposits have been exploited by arti...