DPA talks LGD truths!

Synthetic, Laboratory-Grown Diamond Truths: Eco/Environmental Claims! Recently the Diamond Producers Association (DPA) launched an expanded offering of educational assets; Asset mix includes videos, photos, infographics and in-store signage, at JCK Las Vegas, adding to the already robust set of materials available on the DPA trade portal. The new asset package includes a free social media asset library that will be expanded regularly to help retailers feed their digital channels with fresh, insightful and compelling content for consumers. The social media asset mix includes both static images as well as video assets which drive to the recently released Total Clarity platform. Out of the mix, here is the key view that is being carried with DPA infographics: 1: Most eco-claims made by laboratory-grown diamond (LGD) manufacturers are unsubstantiated and in violation of U.S. federal guidelines. Many LGD manufacturers claim their products are environmentally frien...