Silverline Trade from Bangkok to Bombay

Roadshow for the 66th BGJF in 2021 held BGJF to be held from 23-27 February 2021 Thailand’s Ministry of Commerce, Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP) with support from Thailand’s gem & jewelry delegates and the Thai Trade Centre, Mumbai, conducted the “Silverline Trade from Bangkok to Bombay Roadshow” for the 66th Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair (BGJF) to be held from 23-27 February 2021 in Bangkok for a very selective group of leading Indian jewellers. Thailand’s Ministry of Commerce is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020 and unveiled Thailand’s Magic Hands global campaign aimed at gaining international recognition for the Thai gems and jewellery industry. The DITP presented a magnificent Thai silver jewelry fashion show “The Silverline Trade from Bangkok to Bombay” supported by Thai Silver Exporters' Association (TSEA) that showcased six brands namely Marvel Jewelry, Karen Silvery Design, Nakorn Gems, J. C. Jewelry, Patanaanunwong ...