Modi moves to catch Industry Revolution 4.0

Addressed at launches of India's first and the world’s fourth center India focuses on Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Block chain, Big Data... At the occasion of launches of India's first and the fourth center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed in the presence of World Economic Forum President Mr Borge Brende, a respected member of the industry, other guests from abroad and abroad, and colleagues. He said: “It is very pleasant for me that the World Economic Forum remembered me at the launch of India's first and the fourth center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” In his key note speech he said, The ‘Industry Four Point Zero’ seems that it is talking about the industry. But those components, which have its power, have the capacity to change the present and future of human life. The way the disruptive, interconnected technologies are emerging in today's global scena...