Senco announces regional brand ambassadors!

Madhumita Sarcar and Sunita Kaushik for East and North-East India Senco Gold & Diamonds, one of the largest organised jewellery retail players of Eastern India roped in renowned Bengali actress Madhumita Sarcar and the popular Assamese actress and dancer, Sunita Kaushik as its regional ambassadors. As part of its Hyperlocal approach, Senco Gold and Diamonds has chosen renowned Bengali actress Madhumita Sarcar and popular Assamese actress and dancer, Sunita Kaushik as its regional brand ambassadors, to establish a deeper customer connect and enhance the visibility of the brand in east and north-eastern regions. Kiara Advani is Senco’s brand ambassador since October 2021. While Madhumita Sarcar of Bojhena Se Bojhena fame will promote the brand in West Bengal through a campaign which will go live on the occasion of Poila Boisakh, the Bengali New Year; Sunita Kaushik will portray the legacy of the brand and its wide range of exquisite jewellery collecti...