The benefits of CSR in the trade!

RJC host an event at fireside chat on acting on CSR Last week RJC returned to Arizona to attend and host an event at JCK Tucson 2019. RJC's Edward Johnson, Director of Business Development and Brandee Dallow, RJC's North American representative hosted a fireside chat in the JCK Tucson ballroom with guest speakers to talk about the benefits of acting on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the jewellery industry. The guest speakers represented the many facets of the jewellery supply chain and included Lisa Bridge from Ben Bridge, a major US independent retailer; Sara Graham, a prominent American jewellery designer; Mark Hanna from Richline Group, a large scale jewellery manufacturer; Laurie Watt from Mayer and Watt, a US coloured stone dealer and Emmanuel Piat from Maison Piat, an international coloured stone cutter and dealer. Approximately 40 people were in attendance including several representatives from RJC members including the Gemological Institut...