Supervisory Board set up at Catoca!

A move to improve the quality of corporate governance The Angolan diamond mining company Catoca Ltd Mining Co (major founding shareholders are Alrosa and the Angolan national company Endiama E. P.) will introduce innovations that significantly improve the quality of corporate governance. "We are pleased to state that our cooperation with Endiama, the second major founding shareholder of Catoca, is reaching a new level of development. Since last year, Alrosa and Endiama have been discussing opportunities to improve corporate governance at Catoca Ltd. After detailed consideration and elaboration, shareholders unanimously adopted all the proposed innovations at the recent General meeting. This indicates a uniting desire to develop the company and contribute to the strengthening of the Angola economy" said Sergey Ivanov, Alrosa CEO. Founding shareholders of Catoca decided to establish Supervisory and Fiscal councils. These bodies are vested with the authority ...