Platinum Season of Hope initiative!

Initiative to impact 4500 families, about 22,500 individuals! Platinum Guild India in association with Oxfam India aims to uplift the lives of migrant workers! The Covid19 situation has caused unprecedented challenges in India as well as globally and has left many reeling from its impact. It has been particularly harsh on certain marginalized sections of our community such as the migrant workers. Taking a step towards helping the migrant workers, Platinum Guild India has joined hands with Oxfam India, launching the Platinum Season of Hope, initiative. This initiative will impact 4500 families, approximately 22,500 individuals over a period of 3 months. The relief package includes 3 key components daily meals/food essentials, sanitary kits as well as a direct transfer component for essential non-food supplies. It will touch lives in states where the impact of the pandemic has been brutal combined with natural calamities that followed i.e. ...