Global Sight 4 reflects uncertainty!

The Global sight remained lower than previous! De Beers Group announced the value of rough diamond sales (Global Sightholder Sales and Auction Sales) for the fourth sales cycle of 2019. Bruce Cleaver, CEO, De Beers Group, said: "Cycle four saw lower rough diamond sales against a backdrop of macroeconomic uncertainty, and as we enter a seasonally slower period for the industry with Indian factories closing temporarily for the traditional holiday period.” Particular Cycle 4 2019 (provisional) [1] Cycle 3 2019 (actual) [2] Cycle 4 2018 (actual) Sales value [3] ($m) 415 581 554 [1] Cycle 4 2019 provisional sales value represents sales as at 20 May 2019. [2] Cycle 3 2019 actual sales value is restated following the earlier publication of a provisional figure for the third sales cycle of 2019. [3] Sales values are quoted on a consolidated accounti...