Julien Drybooms, new IDC Chair!

Pol Van Der Steen elects Vice-Chairman The International Diamond Council (IDC) has elected Julien Drybooms as its new Chairman, while Pol van der Steen is the new Vice-Chairman. The IDC's board members are: Harry Levy, Stephane Fischler, Rajender Gehani, Dieter Hahn, Christine Heiderich, Peter Hofer, Alan Loewe, Jochen Muller, Udi Sheintal, and Meir Wertheim. "I am very pleased to take on this important position and I am honoured to have been elected," said Drybooms. The IDC has been in operation for more than 40 years, and its role is just as important today as it has ever been. "I must express the gratitude of the IDC and its member organizations: the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) and the International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) to Harry Levy, the former IDC President. He led the IDC for many years and gave outstanding service as its head. I am delighted that Harry has agreed to remain as an IDC Board member." T...