How India promoted exports during Covid-19!

Government India steps that boost exports! Since March 2020, during Covid-19 pandemic, regular meetings were held with the Export Promotion Councils (EPCs), Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Industry bodies and Associations to discuss issues and problems faced by the exporters and ways to promote exports during the pandemic. The issues raised by them were taken up with the concerned Ministries/Departments for an early redressal. Government has taken the following key steps to boost exports: i. the validity of Foreign Trade Policy (2015-20) extended by one year i.e. up to 31-3-2021 and relaxations granted and time lines extended due to Covid-19. ii. Extension of export obligation period in respect of Advance Authorizations and Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) authorizations under Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), extension of Letter of Permissions (LoP) / Letter of Intents (LoI) of Export Oriented Units, various relaxations to SEZ units as a measure t...