
Showing posts with the label Financial Transactions AY 2018-19

R U Non-filers of AY 2018-19 yet!

Response online within 21 days CBDT identifies non-filers through Non-filers Monitoring System (NMS) by using Data Analytics and request the Non-filers to assess their tax liability for AY 2018-19 and file the Income Tax Returns (ITR) or submit online response within 21 days. The Non-filers Monitoring System (NMS) aims to identify and monitor persons who enter into high value transactions and have potential tax liabilities but have still not filed their tax returns. Analysis was carried-out to identify non-filers about whom specific information was available in the database of the Income Tax Department. The sources of information include Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT), Tax Deduction at Source (TDS), Tax Collection at Source (TCS), information about foreign remittances, exports and imports data etc. Data analysis has identified several potential non-filers who have carried-out high value transactions in Financial Year 2017-18 but have still not filed Income...