GIA Expands Courses Available in Japanese

Graduate Diamonds and Applied Jewelry Professional diplomas available in late 2019 GIA (Gemological Institute of America) has announced that in late 2019 it will expand distance education courses available in Japanese. In addition to the Diamond Essentials Intensive and the Diamond Grading Lab currently offered in Japanese at the GIA Tokyo School, GIA will offer four eLearning courses in Japanese: Diamond Essentials, Diamonds and Diamond Grading, Jewelry Essentials and Colored Stone Essentials. With the addition of these courses, students studying in Japanese now have the opportunity to earn their Applied Jewelry Professional (AJP) and Graduate Diamonds diplomas. “Expanding the courses offered in Japanese furthers GIA’s mission of ensuring the public trust in gems and jewelry by providing the highest standard in gemology education,” said Duncan Pay, GIA vice president and chief academic officer.