Swarovski brand partners spark BIJS 2019

1: Chokar collection launched Anmol Jewellers HYD launched exclusive Chokar collection set with Zirconia from Swarovski at the Bengal International Jewellery Show (BIJS) 2019. The collection was launched by guest of honor Mr Shankar Sen from Senco Gold, Mr. Anantha Padmanabhan - NAC Jewellers, Mr. Pramod Duggar - Indian Gems & Jewellery, Mr. Ashok Bengani, Mr Rajendra Jain Swarovski Gemstones and Mr Mahendra Tayal from Anmol Jewellers. Jewel of Sensuous, Seductive, Splendor and Sensitivity-the four S’s showcased at its glorious best that shines and shimmers superbly in every Sell-Out Moods. That’s Anmol Jewel for you. Our product symbolizes a whole range of emotions of exotic colors and designs. We manufacturer Fancy Gold, Swarovski Zirconia, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald and Diamond jewellery in 916KDM of high class quality with perfect finish that sparkle, glows and shimmers with the power of a dazzling star. 2: Launches of exclusive collection YUG by ...