Diamond sales to drop by 30-40% in 2020!

Italian Diamond looks to the future with positivity! All over the world, the diamond industry is going through a very complicated period, and optimism and concern are protagonists. This is what was outlined by the President of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses Mr. Yoram Dvash, a reality of which the Italian Diamond Exchange ( Borsa Diamanti d'Italia) has been a part since 1954. The world diamond industry is slowly getting back on its feet and the Diamond Exchanges are returning to activity albeit with the limitations of the period. Likewise, the retail markets, China and the United States in the first place, are showing encouraging signs of recovery. In a report on the global diamond industry, Moody's Investors Service indicated that global revenues from diamond sales are expected to drop by 30-40% in 2020 due to the Covid-19 measures. And the market should gradually recover from the second half of this year. Luigi Cosma, President of the Italia...