GJEPC reschedules IIJS Premiere!

Previously pushed to January 2021 & Now differs to August 2021! GJEPC’s flagship show IIJS Premiere which takes place every year in the month of August had to be postponed to January 2021 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, since there is no clarity on when a show of this magnitude can be organised physically in the near future, GJEPC has decided to further postpone IIJS Premiere to August 2021. Colin Shah, Chairman, GJEPC, said, “Considering the sustained pandemic scenario, GJEPC has decided to move its flagship show - IIJS Premiere earlier postponed to January 2021 - further to August . The show of this magnitude requires clear availability of the venue and requisite government approvals, both being uncertain at this juncture. With positive developments on the Covid-19 vaccine, international mobility is likely to resume by March, and that would aid us to organise IIJS Premiere in a physical form in August next year.” Shailesh Sangani, Conv...