Peeping up GJEPC InnovNXT Summit Sessions

Embrace storytelling, symbolism & creative narratives to sell Make in India, Design in India-Create in India designer jewellery to the world Part 2: In the session on Global & India Gold Demand Trends, Kavita Chacko, the Research Head for India at the World Gold Council (WGC), said, "2024 is likely to be a record year for mine production of gold; Jewellery demand in 2024 will be firm but vulnerable to gold prices. Bar and coin investment likely to remain healthy, with high prices and geopolitics attracting attention. Central banks are likely to keep buying gold at an impressive rate. Global annual jewellery demand held steady in 2023 at around 2200 tonnes even in a very high price environment. In 2023 Gold has benefitted from a) Highlighted geo-political risk; b) Consumer demand; and c) Central bank buying. Annual Gold demand in 2023 rose 4%, reaching an all-time high of 4,930 tonnes. Contribution of 2 sectors a) jewellery demand and b) central ...