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No need to visit any Government office Effective from 02 nd October! One can start business by incorporating a company through an on-line process without visiting any Government office. This was achieved in January, 2016 by establishing Central Registry Centre (CRC) for on-line incorporation of the company and reserving its unique name. Two on-line forms that were introduced for the purpose are Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically (SPICe) and Reserve Unique Name (RUN). Today, as part of online process for company incorporation, PAN and TAN are issued on near real time basis by integrating online process with the department of Income Tax. Through process re-engineering, DIN is also allotted to the individuals at the time of their appointment as Director in the Company. Every week, 2700 number of companies are incorporated through online company incorporation system. Ministry of Corporate Affairs has thus contributed significantly t...