Status of Make in India!

India boosts domestic investments in India! Recently, Government has taken various steps in addition to ongoing schemes to boost domestic investments in India. These include the National Infrastructure Pipeline, Reduction in Corporate Tax, easing liquidity problems of NBFCs and Banks, various policy measures to boost domestic manufacturing. Government of India has also promoted domestic manufacturing of goods through public procurement orders, Phased Manufacturing Programme (PMP), Schemes for Production Linked Incentives of various Ministries. Further, with a view to support, facilitate and provide investor friendly ecosystem to investors investing in India, the Union Cabinet on 03rd June, 2020 has approved constitution of Empowered Group of Secretaries (EGoS) for Investment chaired by Cabinet Secretary with CEO, Niti Aayog, Secretary, D/o Commerce, Secretary, D/o Revenue, Secretary, D/o Economic Affairs and Secretary DPIIT. As Members with following main ob...