GJEPC India on Global Connect Meet spree!

Moving closer Indo-Swiss business ties The Embassy of India (Berne), GJEPC and the Swiss-India Chamber of Commerce, Zurich, jointly organised the India Global Connect on 26th November, 2020, to explore and identify new business opportunities with leading jewellery retailers and wholesalers in Switzerland. The program aimed to connect 11 Indian top companies with eight Swiss brands. Suresh Kumar, Joint Secretary, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, in his keynote address, said, “India has a long-standing and dynamic relationship with Switzerland and we are celebrating the 72nd anniversary of our friendship treaty. Let us make use of this opportunity in the times of travel restrictions to tap right business opportunities globally.” Colin Shah, Chairman, GJEPC, in his address, stated, “The India Global Connect with Switzerland will elevate India’s reputation as a robust and highly skilled jewellery manufacturing hub in one of the world’s ...