Petra endeavors to replace Johan Dippenaar!

Binding Heads of Agreement reached post Year end with regards to the disposal of the Company's interest in the KEM JV to Petra's joint venture partner Ekapa Mining Pty Ltd. As noted in the FY 2018 Trading Update, the Nomination Committee is currently in year two of its three year succession plan and is continuing to review its Board, board committee and senior management structures. Good progress is being made with plans to make additional changes in FY 2019 in order to ensure the Company has the right mix of expertise and skills. New non-executive appointments are currently being confirmed with a view to making an announcement in this regard in October 2018. As part of the Nomination Committee Succession plan, a process to identify a successor for the CEO position has now commenced. In line with the Company's development from a phase of intensive capital expenditure and expansion to a focus on steady state operations, Johan Dippenaar will be stepping down from...