
Showing posts with the label KP

UNGA calling for KP reforms

WDC welcomes reforms to enhance effectiveness of the KP The World Diamond Council (WDC) has welcomed the adoption of a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on March 1, which calls for a strengthening of the Kimberley Process (KP), to more effectively sever the link between the illicit transaction of rough diamonds and armed conflict, thereby contributing to the maintenance of international peace and, in particular, security and sustainable development in artisanal diamond-mining regions. The resolution, which was proposed by the European Union (EU), was ratified by consensus by the members of the 193-member UNGA body. "We are most heartened by the adoption of the resolution by the UNGA, not only because it echoes the call for reform that we advocated together with civil society at the most recent KP Plenary Meeting in Brussels, but also because it was passed with the support of all United Nations member countries, including those in whose ter

WDC advocates KP definition expansion

Needed Widening of definition in addressing mineral related systemic violence With 2019 being the final year of the Kimberley Process' three-year review, the organization must grasp an historic opportunity to correct shortfalls in the system designed to prevent conflict diamonds from entering the chain of distribution, World Diamond Council (WDC) President Stephane Fischler will tell a special meeting on the role of diamonds in fueling conflict, which is being conducted today in New York as part the United Nations General Assembly's 73rd Session. Mr. Fischler will speak on behalf of the diamond and jewelry industries in the session entitled "From blood diamonds to peace diamonds: conflict prevention through the Kimberley Process," and specifically address the topic of the KP as both a conflict prevention tool and a facilitator of sustainable development, good governance and transparency. The session is being hosted by the European Union and will be

EU KP Chair passes bucks to India!

Nothing final on an expanded Definition of conflict diamonds WDC eye on next KP Plenary in India in 2019 While reiterating its support for the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) as the most effective means possible to end the trade in conflict diamonds, the World Diamond Council (WDC) expressed concern that more progress was not made in reforming its scope during the 2018 KP Plenary Meeting that hosted by the European Union in Brussels, Belgium. Nonetheless, the WDC considered as positive the noting in the KP Plenary’s final communiqué of the submission by the Canadian government of an expanded definition of conflict diamonds, which had been proposed by WDC and its fellow KP observer, the Civil Society Coalition (CSC), and expressed hope that the Kimberley Process Participants will support the amendment and make further contributions ahead of the next KP Plenary in India in 2019. Furthermore, the WDC welcomed the decision of the KP Plenary to a

Angola Chairs KP Review Committee

Angola takes over Chair of KP Review Committee from India According to official version of Angola, Angola took over the chairmanship of the Kimberley Process Review and Reform Committee in Brussels, Belgium. The event took place during the XV plenary session of the Kimberley process certification system held, which coincided with the organization's 15th anniversary.   At the official ceremony of the plenary, Didier Reynders, Deputy Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of Belgium, reiterated the European Union's commitment to the process of revising and reforming the KP in order to increase its efficiency and credibility as an instrument of the United Nations for conflict prevention related to the abuse of diamonds and systematic violations of human rights in communities and regions where diamonds are extracted. Among the various subjects submitted to the plenary, topics such as the administrative decision to create the permanent

Canada Proposed Definition in KP Plenary

The Ongoing KP Plenary would adopt the New conflict diamond definition? The European Union hosts this year's plenary meeting of the Kimberley Process in Brussels, Belgium is being opened up from 12 to run untill 16 November. This Plenary meeting is discussing latest developments in the implementation of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and wider diamond governance, as well as the ongoing reform agenda of the Kimberley Process.   World Diamond Council (WDC) urges Support for Strengthening the Kimberley Process by Expanding the Definition of Conflict Diamonds while the KP Plenary session on! The Proposed Definition and Principles for Responsible Sourcing Further Support the Reform Agenda and Industry’s Efforts in Raising Standards to Meet and Exceed Consumers’ Expectations!  WDC and the Civil Society Coalition (CSC) voiced their strong support for an expanded definition of conflict diamonds at the launch of the 2018 Plenary Session of the Kimberley Proce