KP to meet for Reform and Review!

KP Ad Hoc Committee on Reform and Review meeting during April 25 and 26 is likely to focus much on the broader understanding of the term, conflict diamonds-contained in the System of Warranties (SoWs). Recently Stephane Fischler, WDC President said, “It is our fervent hope!” in the context! De facto WDC is also lobbying for a strengthening of the standards and modalities currently in place within the KP, like the peer review mechanisms, better data gathering and the establishment of a permanent KP Secretariat. All this should be achieved within the content of the KP's proven tripartite structure, involving government, industry and civil society. Reform cannot be imposed. It should be introduced in a spirit of cooperation and fairness, with a consistent commitment to strive for better. Earlier, in the February, the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition (KP CSC) had participated in a panel discussion entitled, ‘From blood diamonds to peace diamonds: conflict preve...