Kimberley Process Plenary from November 12

The Kimberley Process Task Force to attend KP Plenary For four days next month, starting November 12, officials from 59 national and regional governments, representing 85 countries, will gather at the JAFZA One Convention Centre in Dubai, for the 2024 meeting of the Kimberley Process (KP) Plenary. There, they will join KP Observers, like the World Diamond Council (WDC), and the Civil Society Coalition, to discuss critical issues within the natural diamond trade. Although the WDC, as a KP Observer, does not hold voting rights, it plays a pivotal role in these discussions, chairing key committees such as the Working Group of Diamond Experts (WGDE) and the sensitive sub-team tasked with expanding the definition of conflict diamonds. The Kimberley Process Task Force (KPTF) will send one of the largest delegations to the Plenary, with more than 20 representatives attending in person and others joining online. It is the WDC’s A Team, known as the Kimberley P...