
Showing posts with the label Kirkland Lake Gold

High-Grade Intersections in Saddle Zone

Drilling at the Detour Lake   Kirkland Lake Gold announced results from 25 holes (19,523 m) and one wedge hole (1,110 m) of drilling at the Detour Lake property. The new holes being reported are the third batch of results from the recently announced 250,000 m exploration program, which the Company is targeting for completion by the end of 2021. The program is being completed to collect information for an updated, and potentially expanded, Mineral Reserve as well as to support the completion of a new production plan.   Most of the new holes announced today are from drilling in the Saddle Zone, located between the Main Pit and West Pit locations, which has been underexplored and has no Mineral Reserves and only limited Mineral Resources. Several new holes are also being announced from the area west of the West Pit, which also contains only limited past drilling. Tony Makuch, President  and CEO of Kirkland Lake Gold, commented: “Today’s results provide further evidence that a much lar

Kirkland to produce 1545K Oz in 2023!

Kirkland Lake Gold Provides Three-Year Production Guidance!   Kirkland Lake Gold Positioned for Strong Operating and Financial Results in 2021, Company Provides Three-Year Production Guidance   Kirkland Lake Gold announced the Company’s full-year guidance for 2021, including production of 1,300,000 – 1,400,000 ounces, driven by strong growth at Detour Lake Mine, with all-in sustaining costs (AISC) per ounce sold on track to remain unchanged from 2020 levels.  Guidance for 2021 includes increased capital spending largely in support of future production growth at Detour Lake, and a greater commitment to exploration to follow up on recent drilling success at all three of the Company’s cornerstone assets. All dollar amounts are expressed in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted.   The Company also announced today three-year production guidance which demonstrates the sustainability of solid operating performance and includes growth to 1,405,000 -1,545,000 ounces in 2023. During this per