GoGold grows 29% YoY!

GoGold produce 605K AgEq Oz GoGold Resources reports record production for the quarter ending September 30, 2020 of 605,287 silver equivalent ounces, consisting of 300,740 silver ounces, 3,414 gold ounces, and 128 tonnes of copper. Annual production for the Company’s fiscal year which ended on September 30, 2020, was 2.3 million silver equivalent ounces, an increase of 29% over 2019 production of 1.8 million. “Parral continues to perform extremely well for us, with record production in both the quarter and the year. We produced 2.3 million silver equivalent ounces in our fiscal year ending in September, which is an increase of 29% compared to the prior year. Parral generated revenue in excess of $13 million US and over $5 million US of free cash flow in the quarter, which is covering the total general and administrative and our Los Ricos exploration costs,” said Brad Langille, President and CEO. “The Company has in excess of $52 mil...