Millennials and Gen-Z affinity for natural diamonds!
Millennials and Gen-Z Describe Natural Diamonds as Unique & One of a Kind Third party research reveals diamonds are profoundly desirable, appreciated for value and versatility, and are increasingly acquired for a range of occasions as well as self-purchase! Natural Diamond Council conducted broad diamond desirability research through 360 Market Reach in the final quarter of 2020 among 5,000 respondents between the ages of 18 – 39. The analysis shows diamond jewellery leading as the most highly desired, and tangible luxury good overall (after being prompted with nine luxury items to choose from if money were not a concern). Vacations were the only luxury items ahead of diamond jewellery for both generations. Respondents also largely attribute their affinity for diamonds to uniqueness as 70% agree natural diamonds are “one of a kind.” Another area of value for respondents was the symbolism diamonds carry for love and connection. Both Millennials and Gen-Z ...