Good news Jewellers India! GJC

Big relief on mandatory hallmarking! The Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court passed an interim order on 7th May 2021, which stops Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) from taking any coercive action on jewellers (across India) or impose penalty on those who may not comply with BIA (BIS Act, 2016) regulations [Section 29(2)] on mandatory hallmarking due to the lack of adequate infrastructure in terms of assaying & hallmarking centres. The Court ruled: "The contention is that the new regulation making it compulsory to hallmark gold jewellery before it is stored or sold, which has to come into force w.e.f. 1st June 2021, is likely to result in great hardships to lakhs of jewellers in India and their number is stated to be 5 lakhs." The writ petition was filed by All India Gem & Jewellery Domestic Council (GJC), which is the industry's apex domestic Council that ensures promotion, protection and progress of jewellers. GJC was represented in court by Counsel Mr. ...