Newrange Discovers New Gold Zone!

Pamlico Project Implications for Mineralization! Newrange Gold Corp announces that it has discovered a new zone of gold mineralization at its Pamlico Gold Project in Nevada. Hole P20-091, drilled more than 1,300 meters north-northeast of Pamlico Ridge to test a near-surface Induced Polarization (IP) chargeability anomaly near the historic Central and Sunset Mines, intersected 0.744 grams gold per metric tonne (g/t Au) over 18.3 meters, within a larger envelope of 0.403 g/t Au over 51.8 meters. Importantly, the entire interval from 122.0 meters to the bottom of the hole at 335.4 meters is anomalous in gold, averaging 0.184 g/t Au over those 213.4 meters. There is a very sharp geochemical boundary at 115.85 meters, with almost every sample above that being below the assay detection limit and almost every sample below it containing at least anomalous amounts of gold, with the highest at 2.28 g/t Au. Hole P20-090, drilled on another IP anomaly about 207 m...