BOD on Acquisition Spree!

Acquires Sekaka Diamonds Pty Ltd Botswana Diamonds (BOD) announces that the acquisition of Sekaka Diamonds Pty Ltd, as previously announced on 20th July 2020, has now been completed. Sekaka was Petra’s exploration vehicle in Botswana and holds three Prospecting Licenses in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana, PL169/2019, PL058/2007 and PL224/2007, which includes the high grade KX36 kimberlite pipe. The acquisition also includes an extensive database, built up over 15 years of exploration. John Teeling, chairman, commented. “We are delighted that this acquisition has now closed. This now paves the way to explore commercial development options for KX36 and begin to evaluate the extensive database in conjunction with ours to discover more kimberlites in prime diamond real estate”. Sekaka also holds a recently constructed, fit-for-purpose bulk sampling plant on site. The sampling plant includes crushing, scrubbing, dense media separation circuits and x-...