
Showing posts with the label Platinum outlook 2021

Platinum supply to increase by 17% in 2021

  Jewellery recycling volumes to grow by 16% in 2021   2021 outlook is with the accordance with World Platinum Investment Council (WPIC), that a focus on demand & supply both. Here is the announced 2021 Platinum Supply outlook by WPIC. According to the recent WPIC report, in 2021 total supply is forecast to increase by 17% (+1,127 koz) year-on-year to 7,865 koz, recovering to 95% of the pre-pandemic level.   Mine supply is expected to sharply rebound 20% (+976 koz) year-on-year to 5,772 koz following the extreme disruption of 2020. South Africa will account for most of the gains and is forecast to rise 32% (+992 koz) year-on-year to 4,092 koz as output recovers following the processing infrastructure failure and pandemic curtailed operations of 2020. The mine restructuring and shaft closures of the previous few years, a response to the low PGM price environment, have now been fully implemented with the decline in mine capacity expected to stabilise in 2021. Reserv...

Platinum Jewellery demand in 2021 to grow 13%

Total Platinum demand in 2021 to increase by 2%   2021 outlook is with the accordance with World Platinum Investment Council (WPIC), that a focus on demand & supply both. Here is demand outlook; supply outlook is being carried here earlier!   As the world emerges from the pandemic over the course of 2021, we expect economic activity to gradually return to near pre-pandemic levels and automotive, jewellery and industrial demand to grow. However, as investment demand is not expected to repeat the record in 2020 it will decline. Total platinum demand in 2021 is therefore expected to increase 2% (+150 koz) to 8,089 koz.   We forecast a 24% (+575 koz) increase in automotive demand as light-duty vehicle production is set to increase by 11 m units to 85 m and heavy-duty vehicle production grows by 5%. Even though light-duty production is expected to be 4m units below 2019, platinum demand is projected to increase to 4% above pre-pandemic levels due to the increase in l...