India’s growth trajectory

India’s growth trajectory Latest GDP Estimates reflect superior acceleration in India’s growth trajectory says Chairman, EAC-PM. The Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation released the estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the first quarter (April- June) Q1 of 2018-19. As per the CSO, GDP growth rate estimates for April-June 2018 stand at 8.2%. These estimates represent a significant jump from last year’s Q1 growth rate estimates of 5.6%, indicating superior acceleration in India’s growth trajectory. This also validates that the economic fundamentals remain robust. The CSO estimates state that GDP at constant prices was Rs. 33.74 crores for Q1, 2018-19, a rise from of Rs. 31.18 lakh crores and Rs. 29.42 lakh crores for the same period in 2017-18 and 2016-17, respectively. Welcoming this development, Dr. Bibek Debroy, Chairman of the Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister (EAC-PM) attributed this positive trend t...