Everledger and Rare Carat tie

Tied to bring greater transparency and Provenance to online diamond purchasing! Blockchain and IoT technologies enable tracking of the entire d iamond life cycle to improve customer confidence in jewelry Everledger, an independent technology company that enables traceability and provenance to high value goods, has partnered with Rare Carat, America's #1 source of unbiased diamond advice for over $200 million of diamond sales annually, to deliver greater transparency and sustainability information on the diamonds in its marketplace. Using the newest version of Everledger’s leading blockchain platform, Rare Carat customers will now be able to search for and purchase diamonds that have been tracked from mining, through manufacturing all the way to sale. This ensures that the diamond being purchased is conflict-free and has been sourced in a sustainable manner. The Everledger platform specifically aids demand generation for retailers searching for di...