Santacruz Silver production up by 67%

Consolidated silver production registered 257,138 Oz at 1Q, YoY The reports on the operating results from the Veta Grande Project in Zacatecas, Mexico and the Rosario Project in San Luis Potosi, Mexico for the first quarter of 2019 says the consolidated silver equivalent production increases by 67% as compared to Q1 2018 and 8% as compared to Q4 2018. Veta Grande silver equivalent production increases by 184% as compared to Q1 2018 and 16% as compared to Q4 2018. Mr. Carlos Silva, Chief Operating Officer, stated, “The first quarter production results continue to reflect operational improvements that were undertaken in 2018 including increased mine development at both mines and a metallurgical review of the mill processing flow sheet at Veta Grande. In particular, we are very pleased with the significant improvement in zinc recovery at Veta Grande." He continued, "The preliminary April production results from both mines show strong improvement over the Q1 ...