Polishing activity back to pre-Covid levels!

Rough diamond sales continue to recover! Sarine Technologies Ltd, a worldwide leader in the development, manufacture and sale of precision technology products for the evaluation, planning, processing, finishing, grading and trading of diamonds and gems, wishes to update its investing public on improving results in the Group's businesses. In continuation to our update to the public dated 01 September 2020 on improving conditions overall in the diamond industry value chain, we are pleased to report that the trend noted in said update has continued and even gained momentum. Indeed, the preliminary sales figure for De Beers Cycle 7 rough diamond sales in August, then noted as US$ 287 million, has been revised upward to the final figure of US$ 320 million. Furthermore, the preliminary figure for De Beers Cycle 8 rough diamond sales in October stands at US$ 467 million. Other major producers' sales of rough diamonds have increased commensurately. Rough prices at these two cy...