Moving giants conservation initiative

De beers group progresses Conservation initiative in Africa De Beers Group announced that the second translocation of elephants from its Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve (VLNR) in South Africa to Zinave National Park in Mozambique has taken place. The first herds of elephants were corralled at the VLNR on 25 June, before making their journey by road some 1,700km where they were released at Zinave on 27 June. The final herds arrived at Zinave today, bringing the total number of elephants moved in 2019 to 53. The translocation is part of a major conservation effort – known as ‘Moving Giants’ – that aims to move some 200 elephants over three years in a bid to help secure the future of the VLNR, which at the beginning of last year was under threat due to too many elephants impacting the broader ecosystem, and to help repopulate Mozambique’s elephant population. During the first phase of the project, 48 elephants were trans located in July and August 2018. These elephan...