AGM of WDC centres the latest KP developments!

Consumers’ key words are, 1: Ethically sourced diamonds & 2: Proof of respect for human rights! WDC President Edward Asscher lists seven essential principles of responsible sourcing, covering human rights, labor rights and the environment, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, supporting grassroots development in the mining and production areas, and differentiating between natural and synthetic diamonds. Members of the World Diamond Council (WDC) assembled for the organization’s Annual General Meeting on October 19, 2020, joined by invited guests, among them representatives of the governments involved in the Kimberley Process and members of civil society. In contrast to previous WDC AGMs, this gathering was not held in person but rather by videoconference, a consequence of the many travel restrictions in place worldwide because of the Covid-19 health crisis. The new format of the AGM allowed for an abbreviated 90-minute session, comprised of a keynote add...