WDC set to open AGM on 19!

2020, the year in which, everything changed! It’s that time of the year again. The WDC Annual General Meeting is just around the corner, on Monday, October 19, 2020, and so much has changed since last year, both personally and collectively. Elodie Daguzan, WDC Executive Director said, “ If I quickly look back to October 2019, I was still working at the offices of my former employer, Rubel & Ménasché, in the heart of Paris’ exclusive jewelry district. At the time I represented them in the WDC, and also in the Young Diamantaires’ group, which I will shortly mention.” Fast forward 12 months, which seem like several years already, and like so many others I am working from home. But now I represent WDC, and in my new capacity I will be delighted to be a host of the first-ever virtual WDC AGM. By nature, I tend to see the best in every situation, but I admit I will miss meeting our members in person. At the same time, I realize that this new format will all...