Global gold ETFs’ holdings bounced to 3,523t

Global gold trading volumes rose 20% in January 2025 In the Gold ETF Commentary, January in review, World Gold Council (WGC) reported, Global physically backed gold ETFs saw net inflows during the first month of 2025, adding US$3bn in January. The most notable shift comes from Europe: while it led global outflows during most of 2024, it is now dominating inflows. Despite gold’s strong performance, North American investors remained net sellers of gold ETFs in the month, while Asia and the other regions saw limited inflows. By the end of January, the total asset under management (AUM) reached US$294bn, another month-end record, and collective holdings continued to rebound (+34t). In the highlights WGC report, 1: Global gold ETFs kicked off 2025 with positive flows, led by Europe, while North America saw outflows. 2: Following the second consecutive monthly inflow and supported by a higher gold price, global gold ETFs’ total AUM rose to US$294bn a...