Positive wind to Zim Diamond Policy

ZCDC held workshop on Diamond Policy Diamond mining giant, the Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (Pvt) Ltd (ZCDC) has hit the ground running into 2019. Following the promulgation of the Diamond Policy having been announced in December 2018, ZCDC recently held a strategic workshop to align its strategies to the tenets of the Diamond Policy. This policy will see ZCDC entering into joint ventures with strategic partners to mine diamonds for the benefit of the nation by meaningfully contributing towards the fiscus. The diamond policy will regulate the diamond sector and ensure accountability in the mining, processing and selling of the precious minerals. The policy will see only ZCDC, Murowa Diamonds and two other companies, yet to be approved by the government, undertaking diamond exploration and mining in Zimbabwe. The policy will cover all stages of diamond value chain including exploration, processing, valuation, marketing, beneficiation, value addition, se...