Perth Mint offers Zodiac sign 2020 Coin!
Antiqued Coloured Silver Coin! Perth Mint announced the roots of astrology lie in the idea that an individual’s character and fate is somehow linked to the arrangement of the stars, Sun and Moon at the time of their birth. The ancient Babylonians identified 12 different patterns of stars through which the Sun appeared to travel. Later, respected Greek astronomer Ptolemy codified many astrological concepts, attributing a name derived from Greek or Roman mythology to each constellation in the ‘zodiac’ (meaning circle of little animals). A horoscope interprets a chart of the heavens at a precise point in time – such as someone’s birthdate - to explain aspects of their personality and predict future events. The coin’s reverse portrays original artistry of each zodiac sign in colour: Aries the ram; Taurus the bull; Gemini the twins; Cancer the crab; Leo the lion; Virgo the maiden; Libra the scales; Scorpio the scorpion; Sagittarius the centaur; Capricorn the goat; Aquariu...