AsliHeera of my Life contest reaches to result

Contest winner received a diamond necklace worth Rs. 1 Lakh from PNG Jewellers India’s reputed and customer centric Jewellery brand, PNG Jewellers collaborated with Red FM for a contest for their patrons in Pune. The contest was called ‘AsliHeera of My Life’ and the lucky winner won a grand prize of diamond necklace worth Rs. 1 lakh at the event held PNG Jewellers’ largest store in Hadapsar, Pune. The contest was split up in 4 weeks of December where a question related to diamonds was asked by the RJ to the listeners and the one who gives the most creative and wittiest answers stood a chance to win silver coins every day. An event was hosted every Saturday at various PNG stores in Pune to give away silver coins to 5 winners of a particular week. The questions asked to listeners were very unusual and personal at the same time, like qualities of diamonds that makes us to treasure them, Sparkling moments you’d cherish forever like diamonds and who is the ‘AsliHeera’ of...