Trade now on the DGCX!

Take the advantage of its New Scheme DGCX seeks to encourage as wide a community of market participants as possible to trade those products currently listed by DGCX. In order to facilitate this growth still further, and in response to customer feedback, DGCX has introduced a New Market Participant Incentive Scheme. Read more about the New Market Participant Incentive Scheme by downloading the flyer below The Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange (DGCX) is the region’s leading derivatives exchange and has played a pioneering role in developing the regional market for derivatives trading, clearing and settlement. The DGCX owns and operates the region’s largest and only multi-asset Clearing House – Dubai Commodities Clearing Corporation (DCCC). DGCX & DCCC are regulated by the Securities & Commodities Authority (SCA). DCCC is recognised as a licensed Central Clearing-Counterparty (CCP) by SCA and a Third-Country CCP by European Securities Markets ...